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info@jccdenver.org | 303-316-6384
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Year-Round Staff

Katelyn first joined the Ranch Community as a camper in 2007. She’s spent almost every summer at camp since then.
The summer after 4th grade my mom sent me to Ranch Camp for the first time. Having never been away from home for more than a night, I was terrified. But the moment I stepped out of the car onto the dirt parking lot at the camp office, I instantly knew that this was a place where I would become the best version of myself. Many years later, I get that same feeling every time I arrive at camp; only now I’m part of the team creating an inclusive environment enabling campers to create, learn, and thrive. I understand, firsthand, the importance of providing children with opportunities to reach their fullest potential, and the consequences if such opportunities are lost.
One of my camp mentors once told me that this is the most important work in the world and I wholehearted believe that it is.